Finally I got the chance to wear this velvet top (in our messy room bwahaha)Hopefully to wear it outside soon..Anyway just wanna thank my Mom again for keeping this precious top inside her magic box! LOL..
So yeah, At first I find it "so-granny-style" then never thought that it made an ultimate comeback!Fashion really influence me a lot to adore trends now that's iffy for me at first sight. I know you girls out there are a bit afraid to be out of the box sometimes...right?.So you can do it "inside job" (haha wut?)

Woow my huurr color here is obviously "dry" and "messy "..Anyway I just love the detail of my top and just paired it with mustard short, old shoes, and fringe hand bag
Btw, I just bought a new fringe handbag lastweek,,I SO LOVE IT!