Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kitty Cat

     Hello! see who's back? Sorry for being MIA cause I've been busy preparing for the exam. So let  me make up to you with this new outfit post.I've been crazy for cat face prints now which I already blogged about it before see it here. Unfortunately, I'm not really a cat lover just like the others do and I know they have the cutest whiskers.Haha..But this top is no way to resist and the fact its all over the blogsphere now. It made me  decide to add up some cutesy in my closet..I just wanna thank PICK AND WEAR for cuztomizing it just for me.

I toned down my look with a pleated skirt and my new favorite gladiator wedge and much like creepers.It's very comfortable and easy to walk in.
So I'l update as soon as our internet connection back.I hope you like my outfit!