First things off, I'm so awkward taking outfit shots outdoors..Maybe I'm just too shy people around and to Ate Jack who took these.Btw thanks to her for understanding my trip LOL. Yes also I'm now back to blogging cause internet connection is back thanks for me who sponsored paying the bills. :) Talking about this look ,,It's dark,low QUALITY AND UGLY POSE! haha kidding..So It's my first time to wear stripes that has long sleeves.I was actually want this look to be like a "jail look thingy" pairing a short rather.But a BIG NO WAY for work haha..So I settled for a black skirt just to fit in for my job.What do you think guys? Let me tell you about how I influence people at work to dress up and be fashionista haha..(Atleast hindi na ako nag-iisa LOL)